Sara Sánchez Falcón
“Margot Monarca & Patas Largas” (Margot Monarch & Long Legs), is Ángeles Falcon’s first children’s book. Tells the story of a beautiful monarch butterfly and her friend “Long Legs” (Patas Largas). Like any butterfly of her kind, Margot must emigrate to warmer weathers to survive; Long Legs decided to go with her and that’s how their great adventure begins.
The idea blossomed from one Angeles´s exposition in which the subject of migration was the focus, and it was then “Margot” made her first appearance. Her success was such, the decision to turn Margot´s tale into a book was made.

Ángeles Falcón was born in México City, she is 81 years young. Studied interior design in Pablo Livas of Nuevo León University. Highly regarded in the art field, with more than 40 years experience, she´s founding member and president of Nicolaíta Art Association (ASART) from 2007 to 2008.
Amongst her many awards and commendations, most worthy of mention are: Here 2005 nomination to the “Medalla al Mérito Ciudadano” (Citizen´s Merit Medal), bestowed by the San Nicolás de los Garza government in Nuevo León.
In the year 2000, she was first place award-winner in the professional art drawing contest that celebrated the 150 year anniversary of Apodaca´s Foundation in Nuevo León. Amongst her most important achievements is helping a line of new generations to connect with art and develop their talents. For more than 14 years, she has now been teaching children´s art.
With several international courses and more than 16 individual expositions under her sleeve, as well as 200 collective expositions in her home city of Monterrey and Italy. She has mastered all painting techniques and has studies in painting restoration. Her art reflects her endless imagination and all of the things that bring meaning to her life.